Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Addicts

Love that picture, today I posted it up in my Facebook and tagged 50 top friends(which is the Max.) who I personally call them 'Addicts' to Facebook, they are the daily one's who will do just about anything just as long as they can login into their Facebook haha and they got pissed *lol ..but some thank me and some just won't admit, some wanted more ermm. It's so true, about 70% of Americans just can't live without their Facebook now, it's a trend, the American way and we here in Malaysia are part of it haha.

Wake up at 6am, off to work and punch their card at 8am, first thing once they're seated, at their desk, on that PC errrr, in their mind 'hurry hurry' begging their PC to operate ASAP *lol, why? Facebook is the answer. Addicts I call them. Here are some of the 35 comments (so far..will update *lol) I got from my Favorite all time Tagged sucess *lol

VyDa Ngadimon hahaha..maneer dpt tu..??
Atiqah Shukri hahah thx!
Fariha Onn's cute.
Dya Sara me want more.. pls.. ;0 addicted sgt2!!
Ezz Eyra ni nk buat bykkn notification i la ni adoii!!..anywy thx ezra!!
Hafniza Kuchiki adehh... amende neh?
Bryan Aldridge errr...occay....
Sylvia Aan Kallang no thanks..i tak sampai tahap tu lagi..=)~
Arimerita Sari Hehhee.. Tq
Zaras Ara Saharudin nak nak naaaaaaaaaaak!!!! =))))
Atteleth Don Shane lol
Zaras Ara Saharudin waaaahhh sepiceless.....
Atteleth Don Shane you peeps are really addicted..
Da'lyn Osman hehe... tq... ;p
Natsume Maya kenapa mesti aku terlibat..aku x bersalah
Alynnz Ahmad addicted to fb? addicted to MS laaaaaa...hahahhahahha...
Eja Rafihza no am
Wany Saleh here.. :-?
Jolene Faith Robin Gitom hahaha I AM TOO?! need a jab!
Nat Hazanan ha3..banyak ler! xde khoje yea..??
Asma Akram lol.... me too???? k.. k.. !!!

Those are the good one's, some got so pissed, am not going to paste it haha. Funny thing is, they are logged in until they punch out from work right up to the Max. *lol. Wanna hear another funny thing? They rush back home, on their laptop at home, Facebook! Facebook! Dinner? errr wait a minit, got to answer this comment, this message bla bla etc. Moral of the story, they are addicts and they just won't admit it. Are you?

Me some of u might ask? hehe.. shut up! haha! till next time, so long peeps.

p/s : love blogging, love designing, love to laugh, miss this.

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