Friday, July 31, 2009


The world is in disease, 100% of the world population is carrying toxic in their body out from the food they consume daily. Human race depended too much on hospitals whom they them self can't cure if the disease itself were to hit them. We believe in God whom we trust will take our souls when He says so but it is our choice and responsibility to take good care of it. Everyday millions dies of Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Failure, Brain Damage, etc. and that millions died not because Cancer, Diabetes, etc but because of the chemicals that they forsakenly or by mistakenly trusted as the savior to all mankind. Medicine - another word for it is chemicals, kills more life then it saves.

The latest in skin care is not to be found in a cream or a lotion, but rather in a little powder Stevico sachet. Increasingly, the billion dollar global market in natural personal care products is now lead towards oral consumption of nutrients for support of healthy, beautiful skin. Say no to chemicals once and for all.


Brazilian Wild Red Tomato Extract
Classic Care Package - 14 Days Daily Care Pack

The adage “Beauty Comes From Within” holds ever so true. As we move in pursuit of physical beauty and long-lasting youth, we are aware that a healthy body leads to a beautiful one. Yet one must also know that the main culprits causing aging and damage to our bodies over time are free radicals, which are derived from stress, unhealthy food intake, harmful UV rays from the sun and other pollutants. By using a concentration of Tomato Lycopene Extract - Nature’s Powerful Anti-Aging and Cancer Fighting Agents, Stevico gives you a potent health and youth retaining solution that fends off free radicals harming our bodies. Cleanse, Nourish, Rejuvenate, Energise and Revitalize your body, retain its inner and outer beauty with Stevico’s Tomato Lycopene Extract with Green Tea Extract.

Stevico Cholest Control Fibre.
Diyarbakir Turkish Wild Wheat Mix with
Siberian Red Larch.
CCF Care Package - 14 - 28 Days Daily Care Pack

Dr Kobayashi, Specially developed this product to simplify the process of consuming fibre and also help those suffering from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, Stevico applies the same exceptional qualities of Turkish Wild Wheat and Siberian Larch Tree traditionally trusted for its healing properties into Cholest Control Fibre. Because easy to drink fibre fills you up quickly, it prevents overeating and is especially good for those dealing with weight control, such as diabetics or high cholesterol sufferers.

For more information on products, price and availability please click here. Care for your love ones and the ones that love you most.


The Greatest Story Ever Told

Questions religions as original god-given stories, arguing the Christian religion specifically is mainly derived from other religions, astronomical facts, astrological myths and traditions in turn derived from or sharing elements with other ones. In furtherance of the Jesus myth hypothesis, this part argues that the historical Jesus is a literary and astrological hybrid, nurtured politically in the interest of control.

The film Zeitgeist : The Movie offers explanations for some of these common attributes. To explain the origin of the alleged December 25 birth, the film points out that the Winter solstice has the shortest day, and therefore the shortest amount of sunlight of the year, and that about three days after it, sunlight time could be seen growing, thus marking the birth of a God of light or Sun God, another Christian-astrological similarity, according to the film is that the three stars in Orion's belt(called the Three Kings) align with Sirius on December 25, the brightest star in the sky, and point to the Sun's rise on the horizon. This is equated to the Nativity of Jesus, where, according to the film, three kings follow the star in the east to locate the birth of Jesus. Furthermore, around December 25, Sun rises in the vicinity of Virgo, the constellation known as Virgin, which refers to the origin of Jesus virgin birth. Comparison of sunset in the vicinity of Crux and Jesus death on the cross is based on similar principle. In addition, parallels as walking on water (reflection at dawn/dusk) and turning water into wine (ripening of grapes) are shown as metaphoric miracles, explained as the influence of the Sun.

Christianity is then said to be a Gnostic myth, historized by the Roman Empire for social control of Europe through doctrines established at the First Council of Nicea. The Dark Ages, the Inquisitions and the Crusades are given as events which maintained Europe's submission to The Vatican through Christianity.

The following is said in conclusion :

"Christianity, along with all other theistic belief systems empowers those who know the truth, but use the myth to manipulate and control societies. It reduces human responsibility to the effect that God controls everything and in turn awful crimes can be justified in the name of Divine Pursuit. The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created, and serves as the psychological soil upon which other myths can flourish."

The World Staged

My favorite part, integral footage of several 9/11 conspiracy theory films to portray the September 11 attacks as either orchestrated or allowed to happen by elements within the United States government in order to generate mass fear, initiate and justify the War on Terror, provide a pretext for the curtailment of civil liberties, and produce economic gain. These claims include that the U.S. government had advance knowledge about the attacks, the response of the military deliberately let the planes reach their targets, and the World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7 underwent a controlled demolition. The film claims that six of the named hijackers are still alive, that Hani Hanjour could not have flown Flight 77 into the Pentagon, that no substantial plane wreckage was found at two of the three crash sites, that the Bush administration covered up the truth in the 9/11 Commission Report, and that the mainstream media have failed to ask important questions about the official account.

Men Behind The Curtain

This argues that three wars of the United States during the twentieth century were waged purely for economic gain by what the film refers to as "international bankers". The film alleges that certain events were engineered or were allowed to happen as excuses to enter into war include the sinking of the RMS Lusitania (a factor in the U.S. decision to enter World War I two years later), the Attack on Pearl Harbor (which was the opening attack of the Japanese on the U.S. in World War II), and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (which led to the escalation of the Vietnam War).

According to the film, the U.S. was forced by the Federal Reserve Bank to become embroiled in these wars, not to win but to sustain conflict, as it forces the U.S. government to borrow money from the bank, allegedly increasing the profits of the international bankers. The film gives a history of the Federal Reserve, claiming it engineered the Great Depression to steal wealth from the American population and was responsible for the assassination of Louis McFadden, a congressman who attempted to impeach the Federal Reserve Board. The film then goes on to claim that the Federal Income Tax is illegal.

This section also claims the existence of a secret agreement to merge the United States, Canada and Mexico into a "North American Union" and to replace the Canadian dollar, United States dollar, and the Mexican peso by a new currency, called the "amero". The creation of this North American Union is then alleged to be a step towards the creation of a "One World Government", which would be formed by the merging of the North American Union, the European Union, the African Union and a hypothetical Asian Union. The film speculates that under such a government, every human could be implanted with an RFID chip that would be used to monitor individuals and suppress dissent. The film ends with several quotes from Carl Sagan, Bill Hicks and several others.

Sequel : Addendum

Zeitgeist Addendum cites citing the specific process of fractional-reserve banking as detailed in Modern Money Mechanics, released by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. In detailing the process of money creation, the film suggests society is manipulated into economic slavery through debt-based monetary policies by requiring individuals to submit for employment in order to pay off their debt. Money was created out of thin air. Without dept, there would be no existence of money.

Part II is a documentary-style interview with The New York Times best-selling author and activist John Perkins based on his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in which he describes his role as a self-described economic hit man. In that capacity, he claims to have helped the CIA, as well as various corporate and political entities, to undermine or corrupt foreign regimes that put the interests of their populations before those of transnational corporations. Perkins denies the existence of a conspiracy, because he sees the U.S. as a corporatocracy, in which there is no need for a plot, as politicians like Dick Cheney (who first served as the head of a construction company Halliburton and afterwards became Vice President) are alleged of working under the same primary assumption as corporations: that maximisation of profits is first priority, regardless of any social or environmental cost.

Part III is a documentary-style interview with futurist Jacque Fresco. The film looks at Fresco's proposal of a "resource-based economy", which he claims would create abundance, is environmentally friendly and sustainable. He goes on to discuss technology which he sees as the primary driver of human advancement and he blames politics as being unable to solve any problems, because of what he claims is lack of "technical capabilities". Fresco claims that his approach is not perfect, but that "it's just much better than what we have. We can never achieve perfection".

Part IV of the film suggests that the primary reason for what it sees as society's social values ("warfare, corruption, oppressive laws, social stratification, irrelevant superstitions, environmental destruction, and a despotic, socially indifferent, profit oriented, ruling class") is a collective ignorance of "the emergent and symbiotic aspects of natural law." The film suggests several actions for "social change", which include: boycotting banks who are claimed to make up the Federal Reserve System, such as JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, turning off TV news, not joining a military, refusing energy from energy companies in favour of making homes self-sustainable with clean energy and rejecting the political structure. The film closes by asking everyone to "eliminate the divisionary, materialistic noise, we have been conditioned to think is true ... while discovering, amplifying and aligning with the signal coming from our true, empirical oneness."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rain I Missed

I've illusion, ponder with thoughts flickr through my brain cells imagining what it would be like to have it all just as dreamed. I'm so use to having afternoon dreams and how I miss that so much. Hours passes by ridiculously slow, days go by felt like I was compose cramp in a basement cell hoping that rain would fall from the sky reaching out to me. Entering a new month of loneliness I keep my hopes high, never have I ever dismiss the possibility that rain would pass through thick brick walls splashing me with sensitivity, and water me for the rest of my life.

We shall strive this with victorious glory, the rain I miss. Sitting in my room with grieve, with the possibility of not knowing what will I venture next, what will I have to face in the upcoming events of my now, future and the after life. To God that created me, I beg you for mercy to save my soul from this miserable sadness of not ever knowing what have become of my rain. I cry in hopeless but with hope I have live.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Facebook release my account today and I can start writing on comments and friends walls. What a relief haha. Updates on half way to completion, hopefully the owner Rina whom I met at Old Town Kopitiam in Damansara Utama(their Wi-Fi sucks hard and a million thumbs down) is happy with it, did 3 columns(previously 2), change her background outer wrapper which I custom by using only 'Paint'. Unbelievably her original template did not have any background HTML language

#body-wrapper {

and if any of you are wondering, that is to command HTML pages of what background image should appear, pictures can be browsed anywhere in the web, my advise would be where you can edit, crop, rotate all your album pictures. I've also customised some scroll down Tabs to input all her products. Thank you to SigMirror for saving my files to make the drop down Tabs work as crafted.

Amazingly while discussing with Rina on how to re-arrange her blog, I found out that this BlogShop business can be a real income if you really put yourself into it and pour your time. She does this part-time but I shockingly discovered BlogShop business she's currently running is paying her just about the same as her permenant job.

Well thats about it for today I guess, it's late, I gotta sleep to freshen up before I start a big web-site project tomorrow, meeting them for lunch and hope they'll just say yes to all my ideas, especially payment part haha. Chowww kitt *ermm haven't spoken to Alina this couple of days.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad(1958-2009)

Acclaimed Malaysian film and advertising director Yasmin Ahmad has passed away at 11:52pm Saturday night at the age of 51, after collapsing from a stroke while attending a meeting at Sri Pentas on Thursday. The 51-year-old creative director at Leo Burnett Kuala Lumpur underwent brain surgery and all stories linking to her situation were closed from public media.

A friend woke me up this morning by texting 'Al-Fatiha' to Yasmin Ahmad saying she had passed away. I look up for some of her great works and contributions to the Malaysian Film Industry and here I am blogging a tribute.

Her works will be remembered, includes her first break thru film for TV3 called 'Rabun' but it was her second 'Sepet' that claimed international accolades and awards such as the Grand Prix at the Creteil International Women’s Film Festival in France. Later that year, the film also picked up the Best Asian Film award at the Tokyo International Film festival. 'Mukhsin' came in 2007 acclaiming the Grand Prix from the Kinderfilmfest International Jury and a Generation K-Plus Crystal Bear Special Mention at the 57th Berlin International Film Festival, one of the top three film festivals in the world. Her latest film 'Talentime', was selected for this year’s Tokyo International Film Festival.

To Yasmin Ahmad, may you rest in peace and your soul be blessed.
Do you think Malaysia needs a change?

Definitely, just about everything from society, self perseverance, attitude(sometimes I wonder and ponder how tourist commented on we Malaysians the self of lack-esteem being polite), traffic system, public transportation and the list goes on, but there is one thing that Malaysia should never ever change, you read me right my friend, its Malaysian food. Malaysia being the multi racial community serves at it's best.

Do you think your voice can make a difference?

What we lack in quality we make up in stupidity, outstaged. We are a democracy country but do we have a voice on our own? Media wise, not! Public speaking, not! In terms relevant to which we indulge ourselves regardless of what we think, we should voice out and yes, a big yes it does make a big difference in society to improve oneself. We should never stop, do voice out your opinions and speak up for yourself at Click here and join Digi's Speak Up! MMS and follow a few simple steps to win yourself great attractive prizes.

Taken Away by Missed

It's 7am. Am at Sis's place, hang out with bro, can't sleep, can't to almost about anything. Its my 'Rumbling' page right so hell with it, arrgghh just can't get you outta my head at all, I tried, hard, very hard! The harder I try, the worse the outcome. There isn't a day, a hour, a minute, a second that's replaceable. What is to become? Can't get it out, it was suppose to be there.

It's been said 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Knowing the existence, knowing it to be alive strongly, it's so real but by not knowing where it is, hurts and tortures up to my deepest soul. Daily tasks arrgghh. The word absence logically directs us to missing someone that is absent and makes the heart grow fonder but what if that person doesn't come back? Where am I going to tuck that fonder? Will it just vanish into thin air and floats away? If yes, why can't I do just that?

Acknowledging myself that everything happens for a reason. It's impossible to not miss someone, it's saying no to your emotions and to me that's wrong. When you say no to your emotions you're denying yourself something special and just acting phony because you're masking your true feelings behind a veil of emotional lies. I don't quell my thoughts. Don't full stop me.

Seriously speaking, I don't want to do in any part with 'if you love someone, let it go and if it loves you it'll come back' arrgghh don't want it at all, to go through all the pain of waiting, but in the end it'll be the success glory of my life time story, will it? I prey to God that created me, He listens for sure and I dare to bet it'll be my worth while life time achievement.

Is it true that when you keep thinking of someone everyday, that person is also thinking of you?

p/s : I tuck my hope deepest in me where no one will reach to ever ease the pain.

Friday, July 24, 2009


What is it that I want to write today? Ermm, nothing much happen today just that I got this one kinda weird e-mail, sounded funny, suspicious as it shows clearly who that particular person is. Doesn't matter, not going to talk about that one, just that it disturbs my mine mentally. If you're reading this, yeah you know who you are and what you're suppose to do. You're suppose to call me and said it out loud 'I'm sorry' response would be with a smile saying 'Thank you so much for calling'.

Woke up at 2pm today *lol. Bath, ate and Facebook arggghh still can't write on walls, sucks. As I was getting ready to go out today, a pop up Yahoo! Messenger page writes 'sorry, finally ada Internet connection' Arrrgghh it simply says paragraph 1. *forget it, im just mumbling and hey I titled my blog 'Rumblings' haha!

I'm here in Starbucks Ikano, watching peeps pass by and go, they watch me, I watch them and that was it, while my head thinks profoundly of an idea of how to create the most exciting weblog. I'm satisfied with what I have now, but to create for others, to satisfy them drains mind energy. Web mastered for and they we're satisfied, don't exactly know this. Now I'm working on and meeting them tomorrow. Did a few examples, but don't know if they want it yet or not. Will update.. *lol

Later on today, meeting with my Bro-in-law for coffee to discuss few things that is cramping my mind, can't sleep last night, need a time-off badly, need a vacation to as far as I can go. Crying this time won't heal, hurts just deeper. Time flies by, heart erupts patiently, the world is so staged and I hate it.

Talk later, choww kittt huhuhu *Alina's words.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Account Block

What the heck, today I got blocked from Facebook, main reason was I used too much of a certain featured programme and it blocked me today.
This is what happens when I try to post something on someones wall(picture above), arrrghhh!

Funny ain't it, guess no one knew about this, I found out the hard way and it sucks. Arrghh I can't reply to comments and can't post anything on anyone's wall but I can message them through their Inbox, Arrgghh I don't message anyone using Inbox and I don't need that feature Inbox thingy *lol. I still can put up a new status message, play games, tick on 'I Like', chat and errrr what else is there in Facebook? Haha that's about it I guess but we're addicted to it *lol.

Last week, a friend of mine which I knew from Facebook and we've met several times(the best feature ever on Facebook, we get to make new friends), told me that her Facebook account was deleted because of too many usage like how I did but my account is still here surviving *oh thank God lol. Her account just vanished, and she can't register under the same email account for Facebook. Wow..

Solution? None! Just login and Facebook dudes and go to hell with it's so called block rubbish. Guess some of you might be wondering or even giggling there because yesterday I Tagged 50 'Facebook Addicts', today I'm obviously 'The Addict' *lol because I was blocked for using certain featured programme constantly for long hours haha. Ok, I am addicted but not that kind, I'm just saying and don't get jumpy haha.

Facebook, I'll be back.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Addicts

Love that picture, today I posted it up in my Facebook and tagged 50 top friends(which is the Max.) who I personally call them 'Addicts' to Facebook, they are the daily one's who will do just about anything just as long as they can login into their Facebook haha and they got pissed *lol ..but some thank me and some just won't admit, some wanted more ermm. It's so true, about 70% of Americans just can't live without their Facebook now, it's a trend, the American way and we here in Malaysia are part of it haha.

Wake up at 6am, off to work and punch their card at 8am, first thing once they're seated, at their desk, on that PC errrr, in their mind 'hurry hurry' begging their PC to operate ASAP *lol, why? Facebook is the answer. Addicts I call them. Here are some of the 35 comments (so far..will update *lol) I got from my Favorite all time Tagged sucess *lol

VyDa Ngadimon hahaha..maneer dpt tu..??
Atiqah Shukri hahah thx!
Fariha Onn's cute.
Dya Sara me want more.. pls.. ;0 addicted sgt2!!
Ezz Eyra ni nk buat bykkn notification i la ni adoii!!..anywy thx ezra!!
Hafniza Kuchiki adehh... amende neh?
Bryan Aldridge errr...occay....
Sylvia Aan Kallang no thanks..i tak sampai tahap tu lagi..=)~
Arimerita Sari Hehhee.. Tq
Zaras Ara Saharudin nak nak naaaaaaaaaaak!!!! =))))
Atteleth Don Shane lol
Zaras Ara Saharudin waaaahhh sepiceless.....
Atteleth Don Shane you peeps are really addicted..
Da'lyn Osman hehe... tq... ;p
Natsume Maya kenapa mesti aku terlibat..aku x bersalah
Alynnz Ahmad addicted to fb? addicted to MS laaaaaa...hahahhahahha...
Eja Rafihza no am
Wany Saleh here.. :-?
Jolene Faith Robin Gitom hahaha I AM TOO?! need a jab!
Nat Hazanan ha3..banyak ler! xde khoje yea..??
Asma Akram lol.... me too???? k.. k.. !!!

Those are the good one's, some got so pissed, am not going to paste it haha. Funny thing is, they are logged in until they punch out from work right up to the Max. *lol. Wanna hear another funny thing? They rush back home, on their laptop at home, Facebook! Facebook! Dinner? errr wait a minit, got to answer this comment, this message bla bla etc. Moral of the story, they are addicts and they just won't admit it. Are you?

Me some of u might ask? hehe.. shut up! haha! till next time, so long peeps.

p/s : love blogging, love designing, love to laugh, miss this.