Saturday, July 25, 2009

Taken Away by Missed

It's 7am. Am at Sis's place, hang out with bro, can't sleep, can't to almost about anything. Its my 'Rumbling' page right so hell with it, arrgghh just can't get you outta my head at all, I tried, hard, very hard! The harder I try, the worse the outcome. There isn't a day, a hour, a minute, a second that's replaceable. What is to become? Can't get it out, it was suppose to be there.

It's been said 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Knowing the existence, knowing it to be alive strongly, it's so real but by not knowing where it is, hurts and tortures up to my deepest soul. Daily tasks arrgghh. The word absence logically directs us to missing someone that is absent and makes the heart grow fonder but what if that person doesn't come back? Where am I going to tuck that fonder? Will it just vanish into thin air and floats away? If yes, why can't I do just that?

Acknowledging myself that everything happens for a reason. It's impossible to not miss someone, it's saying no to your emotions and to me that's wrong. When you say no to your emotions you're denying yourself something special and just acting phony because you're masking your true feelings behind a veil of emotional lies. I don't quell my thoughts. Don't full stop me.

Seriously speaking, I don't want to do in any part with 'if you love someone, let it go and if it loves you it'll come back' arrgghh don't want it at all, to go through all the pain of waiting, but in the end it'll be the success glory of my life time story, will it? I prey to God that created me, He listens for sure and I dare to bet it'll be my worth while life time achievement.

Is it true that when you keep thinking of someone everyday, that person is also thinking of you?

p/s : I tuck my hope deepest in me where no one will reach to ever ease the pain.


  1. Chak ^_^

    Try Byron Katie's "The Work" Do the "Judge Your Neighbour" test to ease your eomotions
